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Illinois Disproportionate Justice Impact Study (DJIS) Commission and Report

The Illinois Disproportionate Justice Impact Study (DJIS) Commission was formed in 2009 as a nonpartisan, multi-disciplinary group of policymakers, agency leaders, and justice professionals charged by Illinois state law (Public Act 095-0995) with examining the impact of state drug laws on racial and ethnic groups.

Under the co-chairmanship of State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) and State Representative Arthur L. Turner (D-Chicago), and with members named specifically by the law or appointed by State Senate and House leaders, the Commission was charged to study the nature and extent of the harm caused to minority communities through the practical application of state drug laws and to offer recommendations to address the disproportionate impact that laws can have on minority communities.

The Center for Health and Justice at TASC served as staff to the Commission and collaborated with partners from Loyola University to perform data analysis. 

The Commission published its report in 2010 for which CHJ analyzed data from the Cook County Clerk and the llinois State Police, revealing disproportionate criminal justice system contact for racial/ethnic minorities, especially African Americans. 

Reach / Scope: State: Illinois 

Read the Executive Summary
Read the Full Report
Read the Appendices